Church Re-Opening

What to Expect When You Return in September

Although we stopped meeting physically back in March when Covid-19 hit our community, our church community has continued to meet online using Zoom and each member has continued to be the church and body of Christ wherever we are present.  We fully believe that the church is not the building but the people.  An important aspect of being the body of Christ is also meeting together to encourage one another and hear God's word. In light of Covid-19 when the church re-opens in September things will be different. Church Council has created a plan to re-open church following the Waterloo Region's Public Health Guidelines. 

We will be offering two services:
10am to 11am 
3pm to 4pm

We will also be continuing to live stream both church services using Zoom.  

Service will be limited to 60 people and family members will be required to sit together, maintaining a safe distance of 2m/6ft away from others.  The church pews and other frequently touched areas (i.e. hand rails, doors) will be santized before and after each service. Everyone will be required to wear a mask.

Steps to Follow to Attend in Person

1. Choose which service you and your family members will attend. Click here to register now.

Before You Arrive at Church
Ask each member of your household the following questions.  If anyone answers YES to any questions, we do ask that you stay home and enjoy via the Zoom steaming.

  1. Have you had a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, and/or fever above 38˚ C / 100.4˚ F in the last 72 hours (3 days)? 
  2. Have you had contact with anyone with these symptoms in the past 14 days? (see list above)
  3. Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?
  4. Have you traveled anywhere that has a significant number of new Covid-19 cases, or is considered a Covid-19 "hot spot" in the last 14 days?
  5. Do you live with, or have frequent contact with, someone over the age of 70 who has a serious underlying health condition?

When You Arrive at Church

1. Put on your mask(s) before entering the building.
2. Enter the church building using the main entry upstairs.  Ushers will tell you which row(s) your family will be sitting.  Pews will be marked by a number. Please sit in the assigned row as this is important for contact tracing in the event someone is reported ill with Covid-19.

When You Leave Church

1. At the end of service we will exit the sanctuary one pew at a time, beginning withthose at the back in order to maintain proper social distancing.

Other Important Information

For  those unable to register online you can call the church (Tuesday to Friday 9am to 4pm) 519-578-7566 to register.  If you cannot wear a mask due to health conditions, a face shield will be provided for you. Everyone (ages 5 and up) is required to wear a cloth mask. 

At this time, there will be no singing, and special songs. Please avoid physical contact with those not in your household. This includes hugs, handshakes, high fives etc. A friendly "Hello, it's great to see you" will go a long way.

Offering will be accepted using a metal box in the foyer (we will not be passing around the offering bags).  E-transfer is still being accepted.

Can I bring my own coffee?
While our preference is to keep outside food out of the building, if you do decide to bring your own coffee, we ask that you take your garbage with you as you leave.  This will just help our cleaning team with enhanced cleaning requirements to focus on that rather than picking up garbage left behind.

Will washrooms be open?
Washrooms will be open and limited to one person or one household at a time. Church members will be required to santize the toilet, door knobs and faucet after use.  

Can I get a drink from the kitchen?
At this time the kitchen will remain closed. Water bottles will be purchased and placed in main foyer for church members.

Will there be Sunday School?
At this time there will not be any Sunday School classes or other church programs offered. Children will be required to sit with their parents.